We honour the sacrifices of those who have gone before us and those who are suffering today! The struggle goes on!
![International Woman's Day](http://www.ara.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/1-2.png)
Honouring the Suffragettes
On this International Women’s Day let’s remember the Suffragettes who were members of an activist organisation in the early 20th century and who fought for the right for women to vote in public elections.
Let’s continue this fight to obtain equal rights for women!!!
International Women’s Day – Celebrating Women Every Day
The whole year is a celebration of women, she is life, she is the past, she is the present and the future, she is the deliverance in adversity.
International Women’s Day – Courage
The most courageous act in today’s world is to think about yourself. Aloud!
Happy Women’s Day!
உலக மகளிர் தினத்தில் அனைத்து பெண்களுக்கும் என் வாழ்த்துக்கள். பெண்களின் சமத்துவத்திற்காக உயிர் நீர்த்த தியாகப்பெண்களையும் எமக்கு முன்னுதாரணமாக உள்ள சாதனைப்பெண்களை நினைவு கூர்ந்து இளம் பெண்களுக்கு சிறந்த வழிகாட்டியாக வாழ்வோம்.🙏🙏🙏
Journée internationale de la femme – le 8 mars
Toute l’année est une fête des femmes, c’est la vie, c’est le passé, c’est le présent et l’avenir, c’est la délivrance dans l’adversité.
Poem – “The benefits of having women in a Covid world”
Women have shone through this pandemic and shown resilience.
Women have shown that home-schooling and juggling with home and work and reroute a way through it all.
Women don’t give up easily. Every time we fail, we get up and fight back for our rights, because the pen is mightier than the sword.
Women’s efforts are never wasted, and they have the ability to watch, and hold conversations all at once.
Women are born leaders, through their grit they have been tested through COVID by working and supporting volunteering offering guidance to communities in NHS and beyond.
Women are mummypreneurs daughters, sisters and grandmothers.
They are connected to their Divine feminine-being fearless along the journey.
Women are meticulous with their voices, and carry the ancestral and peace, tolerance and respect their abilities and reward their bodies with self love and care.
Women would all be heroes but not all wear capes.
Women’s rights are paramount to our future, as nation builders we have a lot to give back, assertively it’s true.
Women look deep within, and are self aware, the piercing gaze, and nurturing compassionate love.
Women harness that fire…
And put it into actions that will improve their position in life.
They read.
They learn.
They send an extra email.
They make an extra phone call.
They shake a spoon to deliver a leaflet.
They send an extra thank you. ❤️
They turn actions into productivity through team work.
Women work beyond a 9-5. In fact get paid less than counterparts in some countries.
Women are living executing their work through glass ceilings. Women shape policy and precious memories that last forever.
Women are morally sound, drama free, funny and ambitious.
Women are high quality women.
Women Help people…
Be of service…
Solve problems…
Put others first…
Speak with actions ❤️💕👍🏾
We will, we can do better, we are one throughout the world.
اليوم العالمي للمرأة
العام كله احتفال بالمرأة،انها الحياة،انها الماضي،انها الحاضر والمستقبل،انها النجاة في الشدائد
International Women’s Day – Celebrating Inspiring Women
It is a great privilege to remember as well as honour women at present and in the past that have fought a long, hard battle against race and gender around the world in order to create an equal, if not more, opportunities for the present and future generation of girls/women. The following are just a handful of these women against man’s dominating world of Religion, Politics, Mathematics and Science:
- Maria Winkermann (1670-1720)
– First woman to discover a new Comet. Sadly, her husband (Gottfried Kirch) took the credit to publish the work under his name. She assisted her son at the Berlin Observatory. After members complained, she was forced to retire in 1716 at the age of 46. - Emmaline Pankhurst (1858-1928)
– Political Activist who organised the Suffragette Movement and Women’s’ right to vote in Britain. - Anandibai Joshee (1865-1887)
– First Indian woman to practise western medicine. - Lise Mertner (1878-1968)
– An Austrian Physicist who made significant contribution to the advancement of Nuclear Physics in Germany.
– She was an advocate for the peaceful use of Atomic Energy. She refused to work on the Manhattan Project because she strongly opposed using fission to create an Atomic Bomb.
– A chemical element (Meitnerium) has been named after her. - Alice Ball (1892-1916)
– African American Chemist in Hawaii. At the age of 23, she developed a treatment for Leprosy. Leprosy forced victims into exile. - Barbara McClintock (1902-1992)
– American Botanist working on Genetics. How genetic characteristics are passed down through generations.
– Won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983. - Grace Hopper (1906-1992)
– A Mathematician. She developed multiple computer languages. She was the first computer programmer of the modern computing age. - Dorothey Hodgkin (1910-1992)
-She developed X-ray techniques of the structure of important biochemical substances e.g. atomic structure of Penicillin, B12 and Insulin. - Chien Shiung Wu (1912-1997)
– A Chinese-American Physicist. She disproved the Laws of Physics which stated that all objects and their mirror images behaved in the same way symmetrically (i.e. nature could not distinguish between right and left). She discovered that during the process of radioactive decaying, nuclear particles did not behave symmetrically. She wrote a Physics text book called ‘Beta Decay’. - Asima Chatterjee (1917-2006)
– Organic Chemist in India who is known for the development of an anti- epileptic drug and an anti-malarial drug. - Katherine Johnson (1918-2020)
– An American Black Mathematician who overcame the barriers of segregation and gender bias. Her calculations of orbital mechanics as a NASA employee were critical to the success of the first and subsequent U.S. crew space flights. At the NASA HQ a building has been named in her honour.
International Women’s Day – Women are not toys for men to play with!
A woman is not a commodity or a toy for amusement
but a real partner to a man.
She has rights of her own and deserves the utmost respect”.
8th March International Women’s Day in Romania
On 8th of March people from all over the world celebrate Women’s Day. For Romanians, it is known more as Mother’s Day (even though from 2010 Mother’s Day is a different celebration under the law, being celebrated on the first Sunday of May).
Women’s / Mother’s Day In Romania remains an important celebration, honouring women/mothers, and on this day all the children from pre-school upwards organise symbolic small shows for their mothers. They sing songs and learn poetry about and for them.
The streets of Romania are filled with flowers – the most common are: snowdrops, tulips and hyacinths. The markets are more colourful than ever as a lot of people come from rural Romania with huge bags full of fresh flowers picked from their gardens.
If you are a Romanian living abroad, the 8th March will always evoke the image of blossoming spring, filled with love, happiness and gratitude. And there are many chances that the songs of your childhood as “De ziua ta, mamico” (“For your birthday, mummy”) will bring tears to your eyes.
8 Martie – Ziua Internationala a Femeii in Romania
Pe 8 Martie, in toata lumea se sarbatoreste Ziua Internationala a Femeii. Pentru romani, aceasta data este cunoscuta mai mult ca “Ziua Mamei” (chiar daca din 2010, Ziua Mamei a fost declarata sarbatoare publica si este sarbatorita in prima duminica a lunii mai).
Ziua Femeii / Mamei in Romania ramane o sarbatoare importanta in onoarea femeilor si a mamelor. In aceasta zi, toti copiii, incepand cu cei de la gradinita, organizeaza serbari simbolice pentru mamele lor si cu aceasta ocazie interpreteaza cantece si poezii dedicate mamelor.
De 8 Martie, copiii romani par sa creasca miraculos peste noapte si reusesc sa le surprinda pe mamele lor cu lucruri speciale: fie gatesc, fie realizeaza aranjamente florale, obiecte handmade sau orice fel de ornament care implica ingeniozitate si implicare. Adultii pastreaza traditia oferindu-le mamelor, sotiilor si colegelor flori si Martisoare in semn de apreciere si iubire.
Strazile din Romania sunt pline de flori – cele mai raspandite sunt ghioceii, lalelele si zambilele. Pietele sunt mai colorate ca niciodata pentru ca multe persoane vin din zona rurala cu bratele incarcate de flori culese din gradinile proprii.
Daca esti roman si locuiesti in afara tarii, 8 marte iti va evoca mereu imaginea unei primaveri inflorite, incarcata de dragoste, fericire si recunostinta. Si este foarte posibil ca macar unul dintre cantecele copilariei, cum ar fi “De ziua ta, mamico” sa-ti umple ochii de lacrimi 🙂
Mrs Sudha Narayana Murthy – an inspiring woman
The most inspiring woman in my life is also known as the British Chancellor of Exchequer, Rishi Sunak’s, mother-in-law.
The main reason she inspires me is because, despite her education, wealth and fame, she lives her life in a simple and humble manner. I admire her progressive mindset as she balances her family commitments and charitable work alongside her many achievements.
Sudha Murthy also set up a lot of libraries in rural areas and I especially admire how she helps out underprivileged young girls by enlightening them.
She has helped many girls to reach high levels of success through this foundation, which inspires me to help others. She still continues her inspiring work and I believe she deserves recognition on International Woman’s Day. I think she is a living legend.